
Chess titans wikipedia
Chess titans wikipedia

chess titans wikipedia

A seemingly crazy move, actually unusually strong and subtle. 22.Nh5 23.g4 Ng3 24.Rf3!) 23.Ra1 Ra6 24.Rxa6 Qxa6 25.Nxc5 Qb6 26.Qf2Īt first glance Black's position seems hopeless.Ģ6.e4!? A bolt from the blue. 22.dxe5 (Black must pick up the gauntlet declining to take the pawn could have fatal consequences, e.g. 13.f4 exf4 14.Nxf4 Re8 15.Bxc5 bxc5 16.Rae1 Rb8 17.Qc2 Rb4 18.b3 Qb8 19.Rb1 Qa7 20.Nd3 axb3 21.axb3 Rb6 22.e5!Īn ingenious combination it leads to interesting and complicated play. At present, in the event of a3!? comes a4!.) 12.Qd2 a4! (Rather not immediately 7.Nbd7 8.0–0 Nc5 (as in the game Capablanca-Bogoljubow, Karlsbad 1929) which can be answered by 9.b4! ( 9.Ncxe4 is impossible because of 10.f3 ) and White stands slightly better.)Ĩ.h3 Na6 9.0–0 Nc5 10.Nbc3 b6 11.Be3 Bd7 (In the game mentioned above, Black played 11.Qe7? upon which White freed himself with a3! and b4. (.) and Black did not resign until the 52nd move. If instead on move 25 White captures not with the h-pawn but with the f-pawn, he achieves a clear advantage.) 24.Bxc5! Nxc5 25.Rxc5 g4 26.Rxc6 Ra8 27.Qb5! Rab8 28.Rb6 Rxb6 29.Qxb6 gxf3 30.Qe6+!ģ0.Qf7 31.Qxd5 Qxd5 32.Rxd5 fxg2 33.Kxg2 fxe3 34.fxe3 Ra8 35.Rd2 (Precise calculation of two interesting variations was required.

chess titans wikipedia

(Clearly better was 22.Qe8! with the threat of. If 16.f3? then 16.Nxd3 etc., just the same. 13.cxd5 exd5 14.dxc5 (Presumably 14.Ba6 gave more solid play.) 14.Ndxc5 15.Ne5 Qh4 Threatening 16.Nxd3 17.Qxd3 Qxf2+ etc. 0–1ġ.d4 Nf6 2.e3 b6 3.Nf3 Bb7 4.Bd3 e6 5.Nbd2 d5 6.0–0 Bd6 7.c4 Nbd7 8.b3 Rc8 9.Bb2 0–0 10.Qe2 Ne4 11.Rfd1 c5 12.Rac1 f5īlack momentarily masters the important e4-point, but White prepares interesting counteractivity. 18.Rxd8+ Rxd8 19.Rd1 White counted on just this. Nxe3 he will reach an ending with opposite-coloured bishops. Of course the capture should have been with the rook. (Much better than 4.Bg4 which could be answered by 5.Nc3! Bxf3 6.Nxd5 Bxd1 7.Nxc7+ Kd8 8.Nxa8 Bxc2 9.d5! followed by Bf4 and the trapped knight escapes to freedom via c7.) 5.c4? (5.dxe5 would also be a mistake because of 5.Qxd1+ 6.Kxd1 Bg4 7.Be2 0–0–0+ 8.Nbd2 Bxf3 9.Bxf3 Nxe5 with advantage to Black the relatively lesser evil was 5.Be3, though even then Black stands better.) 5.Qe4+ 6.Be2 (If 6.Be3 exd4 7.Nxd4 Bg4 followed by 0–0–0 with excellent play.) 6.Nxd4 7.Nxd4 Qxd4 8.0–0 (Better was 8.Qc2. 1.e4 Nc6 2.d4 d5 3.exd5? (3.Bb5! probably gives White the better game (see the 7th game of the match)) 3.Qxd5 4.Nf3 e5!

Chess titans wikipedia